A French Press could be the answer if you’re looking for a new or different way to make delicious coffee at home. After only five minutes, you’re left with a cup of coffee with an even richer and fuller flavor that is less bitter than other kinds of coffee.
Once you’ve had your morning cup of French Press coffee, perhaps you’ll be in the mood for something equally unique and delectable. So why don’t you come to Loukinens’ on 4th for lunch or swing by in the evening for dinner? We have an extensive and delicious menu of drinks, appetizers, and entrees that will delight your tastebuds. See us at Loukinens’ on 4th in Springfield, IL, or call us at 217.670.1363.
Step 1: Boil Water
The first step is to boil water. This initial step takes the longest, but while the water is boiling, you can move on to Step 2. Fill your kettle with the desired amount of water and heat it on the stove. Once it comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and allow it to sit for 2 minutes. This permits the temperature to cool slightly, which is a valuable component of making the perfect cup of coffee.
Step 2: Grind Coffee and Add Grounds
While boiling your water, you can begin grinding the coffee beans. Buy a bag of your favorite whole roasted coffee beans and put the amount you want into your coffee grinder. Then, grind the beans, but keep it to a coarse grind instead of fine. A fine grind could block the holes in the filter in the French Press. Once that is completed, you can add the coffee grounds to the French press and pour the hot water over it. Use a spoon to stir slightly and then cover it with the top.
Step 3: Steep
Step 3 is perhaps the easiest, as you sit back and relax while your coffee steeps. You can leave the coffee to brew for however long you want, depending on if you light a light coffee or a more potent brew. We’ve found that 4 minutes is an ideal sweet spot for a well-balanced cup of coffee, especially if you enjoy your blend at medium strength.
Step 4: Strain
Now comes the fun part! Step 4 is when you press down on the plunger, which pushes the coffee ground to the bottom of the carafe. So now you’re ready to pour your morning cup of Joe into your favorite coffee mug and enjoy the unique, delicious flavor that accompanies the equally gratifying sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing you made it yourself!